Our Vision and Values
“Every child is happy and excited about their learning because they have a strong community committed to supporting and celebrating their individual characters and achievements.” (School Mission Statement)
At our school, our children are not only educated, they are happy and excited about their learning; you’ll see this in every class as you walk round. The children are at the centre of everything we plan and every goal we aim for. We value their voice and they will be part of decisions we make.
The adults in the school community promise to be good role models, showing individuals respect and we promise to keep children safe. By doing this, we know that our pupils will be respectful, ready for learning and behave safely.
Your child’s journey from Reception to the end of Year 6 will be carefully planned so that they experience new, fun and exciting learning that matches their interests and challenges them to think differently. We want children at Broadwater Down to become resilient, confident and independent so that they can make a difference to those around them and be ready for secondary school at the end of their primary journey.
We will be with them every step of the way.